Wednesday, June 29, 2016


To remove such virus follow the steps

shortcut virus remover

  1. Open administrative command prompt.
  2. Go to your pen-drive drive letter. Suppose your USB disk is G:. Type G: and press Enter
  3. Now type the below command to remove system file, hidden read-only attribute
    attrib -s -h -r /s /d *.*
  4. Delete Autorun.inf from USB – Disk.
  5. This makes all files visible and you are now able to delete them .
  6. del *.lnk
  7. Now to remove the shortcuts from pen-drive , Check the size of any One or Few Shortcuts, all be same.
  8. Delete suspicious files, on errror check task manager for process with same name or any suspicious process and end it.
  9. Open Explorer and right Click on Pen-drive , Click Open.
  10. Search with Advance Search for all files of same size in Pen-drive.
  11. Select All and Delete

By connecting flash drives to the affected computer, often it shows flash drive containing just some folder's shortcuts. Sometimes it shows nothing though drive's properties show it has files in it. Even we get some inaccessible folder or file. This type of problem may also seen in our local drives (HDD partitions). Even paid anti-virus is unable to resolve those folders, they just scan and detect The AUTORUN worm which one will execute all programs. Then our important files remain hidden. Hidden folders and Shortcuts by the Autorun Worm

Here we will see how can we solve this problem by using command line and batch file. Though the batch file is nothing but the executable file contains command lines. So solving the hidden and shortcut problem of USB or drives, we must have the administrator privilege as we will execute something.

Using Command line: To solve/fix the folder's hidden or system file, the easiest way is to run a command line. You can apply this command to USB and local drive as well, need to change the drive_letter. Go to Run, type cmd and hit enter. In command prompt just type:
attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d drive_letter:\*.* 
And hit enter.
 Be sure you've typed the drive letter (e.g. j:,h: or D:) instead of "drive_letter" in the command line. My USB drive letter is J: and my command should looks like: Command for unhide system-hidden files on a drive All files and folders will be normal and you should be able to delete the shortcuts, created by the virus.Command line details: Here atrib=attribute, "-"=remove attribute/permits, h=hidden s=system, r=read-only, a=archive, /s=sub directory, /d=directory, drive_letter=the letter of the drive shown in windows explorer (e.g. j:,h: or D:) and *.* is called the wild card for all files.If you don't like to be a "command Ninja" then see below. USB, MicroSD, MiniSD or other Mmory Cards issue:    
 1. Connect your USB or memory card to the PC or laptop.    
2. Copy these lines and paste it into a "new text file"  @echo offattrib -h -s -r -a /s /d drive_letter:\*.*
3. In the 3rd line give the drive letter name (Example: J or K or L etc.) instead of "drive_name"
4. Save the text file as any_name.bat
 5. Double click on the any_name.bat file and it will run in the command prompt and see the hidden files/folders come back.
6. Delete the shortcuts and unnecessary files and folders from USB drive. Local drive issue: 1. Copy these lines and paste it into a "new text file" @echo off attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d D:\*.*attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d E:\*.*attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d F:\*.*attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d G:\*.*attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d H:\*.*attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d I:\*.*attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d J:\*.*@echo complete. 2. Save the text file as a bat file (example: any_name.bat) 3. Run this bat file by double-clicking on it. Thus you can solve this kind of problems with a *.bat file. You can save the *.bat file for solving this hidden problem. Important: These tutorials are applied for Windows 7/Vista/xp. You must have the administrative privilege to run the command or execute the .bat file. Put the " : " after the j, k, or D (drive letters). These commands are

not case sensitive.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Installing Cisco Packet Tracer in Ubuntu

       Installing Cisco Packet Tracer in Ubuntu

This is a step by step guide to install Cisco Packet Tracer 6.2 (Student Version) in Ubuntu 14.04 (This may also work on other versions, but I have done it on 14.04). Here appropriate location for me is the Desktop.
  • Download the Cisco Packet Tracer 6.2 from here (Size – 180 MB).
  • Move the downloaded folder to appropriate location (Desktop or Downloads or anywhere else).
  • Open the “.tar.gz” folder with “Archive Manager” and “Extract” the content to appropriate location.
  • Open terminal using Ctrl+Alt+T.
  • Change directory to the folder (in appropriate location) using cd. [ If stored in desktop cd Desktop/PacketTracer62Student ]
  • Run the installation file using ./install
Installing Cisco Packet Tracer in Ubuntu
  • Accept the terms and conditions by pressing Y
  • It will ask root permissions to copy files to opt/pt, input your password to continue installation.
Installing Cisco Packet Tracer in Ubuntu
  • There is an convenient symbolic link created, which should be allowed.
  • Packet Tracer should be installed! To run either use the commandpackettracer from terminal or go to the folderPacketTracer62Student/bin and double click on PacketTracer6.
Installing Cisco Packet Tracer in Ubuntu
Congratulations on installing    Cisco Packet Tracer 6.2!
sudo vim packettracer.desktop
Packet tracer 01
Append the Below content to the file using vim editor or your favourite one.
 [Desktop Entry]
Name= Packettracer
GenericName=Cisco Packettracer
Save and quit using wq!
pt icon

Step 5: Run the packet tracer

sudo packettracer
That’s it we have successfully installed the packet tracer in Linux, These above steps are suitable for every debian based Linux distributions.
packet tracer first launch
packet tracer first launch main window

Downloads & Laboratórios

Aplicativos e Complementos
Cisco-PT-700-x64.exeCisco Packet Tracer (Windows 64-bits)
Cisco-PT-700-x32.exeCisco Packet Tracer (Windows 32-bits)
Cisco-PT-700-x64.tar.gzCisco Packet Tracer (Linux 64-bits)
Cisco-PT-700-x32.tar.gzCisco Packet Tracer (Linux 32-bits)
GNS3-146.exeGNS3 1.4.6 All-in-One (Windows)
GNS3-146.dmgGNS3 1.4.6 (Mac OS X)
C3640-v124.imageCisco IOS v12.4 Plataforma 3600
C7200-v151.imageCisco IOS v15.1 Plataforma 7200
labcisco-2ed.zipPacote c/ TODOS os Laboratórios da 2a Edição

Arquivos Legados
GNS3-087.exeGNS3 0.8.7 "All-in-One" (Windows)
labcisco-2ed-v087.zipPacote de Laboratórios Legados da 2a Edição p/ GNS3 0.8.7 (.net)
labcisco-1ed.zipPacote c/ TODOS os Laboratórios da 1a Edição

Laboratórios do Simulador Cisco® Packet Tracer
labcisco-2ed-lab01.pktConfiguração Básica de Roteadores Cisco
labcisco-2ed-lab02.pktConfiguração de Roteamento Estático
labcisco-2ed-lab03.pktConfiguração de Roteamento Dinâmico
labcisco-2ed-lab04.pktConfiguração de Redistribuição de Rotas
labcisco-2ed-lab05.pktConfiguração de Roteamento IPv6
labcisco-2ed-lab06.pktConfiguração de Switches e VLANs
labcisco-2ed-lab07.pktOtimização do STP em Redes Layer-2
labcisco-2ed-lab08.pktConfiguração de Switch Layer-3
labcisco-2ed-lab09.pktConfiguração de Frame-Relay P2P
labcisco-2ed-lab10.pktConfiguração de Frame-Relay Hub-and-Spoke
labcisco-2ed-lab11.pktConfiguração de Listas de Controle de Acesso (ACLs)
labcisco-2ed-lab12.pktConfiguração de ACLs em Redes IPv6
labcisco-2ed-lab13.pktSNAT no Compartilhamento da Internet
labcisco-2ed-lab14.pktDNAT no Redirecionamento de Endereços e Portas
labcisco-2ed-lab15.pktTelefonia VoIP em Redes Convergentes
labcisco-2ed-lab16.pktServidor de Terminais em Roteadores
labcisco-2ed-lab17.pktTúnel Manual 6in4 (IPv6 em IPv4)

Laboratórios do Emulador GNS3/Dynamips
labcisco-2ed-lab18.zipDistribuição de Tráfego na Internet
labcisco-2ed-lab19.zipRotas Flutuantes no Ambiente Corporativo
labcisco-2ed-lab20.zipRoute-Map na Filtragem de Rotas Redistribuídas
labcisco-2ed-lab21.zipTécnicas de Restrição de Banda: Policing x Shaping
labcisco-2ed-lab22.zipRoteamento Avançado Utilizando o OSPF
labcisco-2ed-lab23.zipAutenticação IPSec do OSPFv3 no Roteamento IPv6
labcisco-2ed-lab24.zipProtocolo PIM-DM no Roteamento Multicast
labcisco-2ed-lab25.zipProtocolo PIM-SM no Roteamento Multicast
labcisco-2ed-lab26.zipAlta Disponibilidade em Cluster de Roteadores
labcisco-2ed-lab27.zipVPN Site-to-Site em Redes IPv4
labcisco-2ed-lab28.zipVPN Site-to-Site em Redes IPv6
labcisco-2ed-lab29.zipVPN Dinâmica Multiponto (DMVPN)
labcisco-2ed-lab30.zipRoteamento Externo Via BGP
labcisco-2ed-lab31.zipPeer-Group na Simplificação da Configuração do BGP
labcisco-2ed-lab32.zipRoute Reflector (RR) na Minimização de Vizinhanças iBGP
labcisco-2ed-lab33.zipManipulação de Atributos PA do Protocolo BGP
labcisco-2ed-lab34.zipPeering IPv6 no Roteamento BGP
labcisco-2ed-lab35.zipConfiguração da Nuvem MPLS em Provedores
labcisco-2ed-lab36.zipDHCPv6-PD na Delegação de Prefixos IPv6

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